If you’re stunned that it’s already April (wasn’t it just Christmas!?) then you won’t be shocked to find out that tomorrow is Good Friday. Another long weekend spent with family and friends, it’s also another great opportunity to support the Good Friday Appeal. A Victorian tradition, 7-Eleven are supporting with Name Your Price Day.

Head into your local 7-Eleven this Good Friday to name your price for a large Slurpee. Pay 20c or $20, every cent collected from Slurpee sales on ‘Name Your Price Day’ will be donated to your State’s nominated Children’s hospital. The hospitals you will be supporting are the Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation (NSW), the Canberra Hospital Foundation (ACT), the Children’s Hospital Foundation (QLD), the Royal Margaret Hospital Foundation (WA) and the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal (VIC).

So no matter what you think a large slurpee at 7/11 is worth, give to a great cause this long weekend.

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