I recently had the pleasure of meeting Rea Ann Silva creator of Beauty Blender and make-up innovation queen. I say genius literally because not only has she created a product that makes all make-up lovers’ lives easier but she has thought of every little additional tool you might need for your make up bag. She is a veteran Hollywood make up artist with a long list of celebrity clients and created this revolutionary product more than a decade ago.


Although it has been available to professional make up artists for many years it has only hit the consumer market in the last year or two and thanks to Sephora, has finally made it to our shores!


Rea Ann has literally thought of everything you need when it comes to applying make up to the face and how to make it easier for woman to apply make up beautifully and effortlessly, with an air brushed effect. Her new range reflects her vision to make products that are your make up’s best friend.

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During my time with the Beauty Blender team, Danny Rodriguez from Rea Ann’s New York Beauty Blender team discussed the counterfeit problem that is popping up in numerous countries all over the world as many try to jump on Rea Ann’s wave of success by creating copy cats that just fall short of the real thing.


The best way to know if you’re buying a counterfeit is firstly check the beauty blender website for their suppliers available at this link: http://www.beautyblender.com/international-locations/ if it doesn’t make an official supplier from the BB website it is 99% likely a counterfeit. http://www.beautyblender.com/counterfeit-beautyblenders


At the end of the day the fake and alternatives are just not worth it. They’re not made from a sponge material that mimic the human skin. Nor are they as soft as the real beauty blender and will absorb more product than necessary. Not to mention it won’t last as long over time and is most likely not dye free.


Yes there is more of an upfront cost to the beauty blender than a average sponge – it retails at Sephora for $27 rrp but consider it a worthy investment, much like a good make up brush, that is not only good for the environment (as a beauty blender outlasts any other average sponge) but also cost effective as the per use cost is lower as it lasts longer.

Needless to say I am a Beauty Blender convert! I absolutely love the beauty blender range – they seriously are the best tools for your make up bag. Once you’ve tried it for yourself you won’t be able to apply make up again without it! Head to Sephora today for your own cute little pink egg!


How to use your Beauty Blender:

1) Wet your beauty blender with water

2) Squeeze out the excess liquid, using a towel if available

3) Bounce make up of your choice be it primer, concealer, foundation, powder, cream blush or any other complexion product across the face for flawless results



Beauty Blender is available from Sephora



About The Author

Suzanna Zhang

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