Chennai Express, a humbling tale of life, love and relationships, follows Rahul, a 40-year-old Bachelor as he takes a comical and unexpected journey. A romantic action comedy, the film is buzzing with action...
Did you know that only 4% of women think they are beautiful? A statistic like this makes the rest of us step back, which is why Makeup Free Me is stepping in - empowering women to nurture their body...
From its heroin-charged, punk heyday in the seventies, St Kilda sure has changed a lot. A lot more fancy and a lot less dangerous, it's become the social hub for young twenty-somethings and travellers alike....
The serendipitous moment where two people from very different worlds meet can have a profound effect on what's to come. Australian Encounters, a new ten part series, based upon the Encounters column in The...
Kip Williams’ theatrical adaptation of William Golding’s classic, ‘Lord of the Flies’ is an interesting exploration into the gender roles that encompass the original text. Featuring an all...
Nestled between Arthur Daley's Clearance house and Subway on Swanston Street lies the Cathedral Arcade in The Nicholas Building. Venture up one flight of stairs, and you'll arrive at the iconic vintage...
Windsor: the other end of Chapel Street. A little hipper and almost diametrically opposed to its South Yarra counterpart, Windsor isn't as 'fancy' - but it sure is charming. Filled with an abundance of...
Based upon the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690’s, Arthur Miller’s classic tale, ‘The Crucible’ is being revisited by Melbourne Theatre Company as part of their ‘New Light’ season....
Come and celebrate Multicultural Arts Victoria’s 10th birthday with a day of music, dancing, food and art. On the 16th of June, Emerge Festival, will be hosting an all-day block party at Fitzroy Town...
It is not very often that independent theatre companies get full curatorial freedom to perform their work, their way, in a venue such as the MTC. As part of MTC’s Neon Festival of Independent Theatre,...