Congrats on Food for Health’s new ranges. We’ve tried them and they’re delicious. You’ve worked hard to create something that helps those with intolerances but haven’t sacrificed flavour. What goes into the process of creating these products? 

Thank you! We usually make Food for Health products based on our consumer research and feedback. Our latest research found that consumers are looking for convenient breakfast products that can also suit their dietary requirements. That’s why we created on-the-go options including Probiotic Brekkie Balls and Gluten Free Porridge in sachets. Both take the fuss out of the morning rush, but still contain enough fibre and nutrients for a healthy start to the day. These products make my mornings so much easier, the kids love Food for Health’s Gluten Free Porridge (which only takes me two minutes to make), and I enjoy the Probiotic Brekkie Balls on my way to work. We also have Food for Health’s delicious Clusters & Muesli ranges for those who have a bit more time up their sleeve for sit down breakfasts. The Mueslis & Clusters ranges include gluten free and FODMAP friendly products, expanding our dietary-friendly options. We’re committed to creating ranges for everyone to enjoy – whether you’re the on-the-go or the leisurely brekkie type.

How do you work to make sure the products are both healthy and taste good?

At Food for Health we choose to focus on honest health with minimal ingredients. We want to show consumers that when we take it back to basics, eating healthy is delicious. We make healthy swaps to ensure that our products are both nutritious and tasty. For example instead of using a sweetener like honey, we use brown rice syrup to bind Food for Health’s Muesli Bars, Brekkie Balls and Clusters, which also makes them FODMAP friendly.


Your journey has been so interesting. You started as a naturopath and have now built your own food company with a focus on helping people understand the value of wholesome food. Apart from adding some of the Food for Health products to the menu, what else can people do to improve their diet? Do you have some tips?

As a Naturopath I learned so many different ways to improve diets. But when it comes to health, I like to keep it simple:

 Always have breakfast. Brekkie kickstarts your metabolism and sets your body up for the day ahead. Breakfast can always be a rush at our place, but Food for Health’s Probiotic Brekkie Balls have been my morning saviour. I can get the kids ready for school and drop off, but still have time to enjoy a Brekkie Ball and coffee on my way to work.

 Drink water as often as possible. Water is so good for you – it cleanses your body, flushes out toxins and keeps you hydrated throughout the day – especially if you love a coffee or two like me!

 Eat foods that fuel you. I’m currently following a Keto diet, which has been amazing for my gut health. I feel motivated to eat all veggies and go for the healthier meal option. It has been so refreshing.

As one of very few female CEOs in the muesli manufacturing industry, what are the greatest lessons you have learnt along the way that might help future female leaders?

Customers are number one. No matter if they’re big or small, treat them equally. At Food for Health our motto is we love our customers and their needs come first. We carry this motto through Grain & Bake as well, keeping my teams focused on what’s most important.

Find a gap in the market. Before Grain & Bake, muesli manufacturing in Australia was very niche, so I saw an opportunity to join the industry. I was very motivated by the fact Grain & Bake would be the first female-led muesli manufacturing business in Australia. I wanted to make a change in the industry and lead the way for women in business.

Be passionate and take risks. You have to have passion for your business, it’s a huge part of the reason you work hard every day and push through all the challenges. You also have to take risks. It may be scary, but it’s the only way to grow.


Food for Health is available at leading supermarkets. For stockists visit

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